'Readers for life, Leaders in life’
Welcome to Dame Janet, where we use our love of books and reading to help our children to be the best version of themselves and better learners.
Serving the children of Ramsgate on two well equipped sites, with a thriving forest school and plenty of other outdoor learning opportunities, Dame Janet is a GOOD school really worth visiting. Our high expectations of behaving well and working hard are met by our children and they get the support they need to develop into well-rounded individuals who are ready for the next stage of their education.
'Dame Janet is a good school for everyone.'
We prioritise reading and from our Nursery to Reception Year, children quickly learn important reading lesson routines and skilled staff help them to learn to become confident and fluent readers as they progress through our Key Stages.
Our provision and our focus on wellbeing is a high priority and children will proudly share their successes as they develop positive and resilient attitudes towards their learning. We offer a range of trips,and school clubs that allow pupils to extend their learning beyond the academic curriculum.
Pupils enjoy coming to Dame Janet and we hope you will enjoy visiting us. We hope to see you soon.